To all my dear friends, family members, volunteers, colleagues, internet friends, Facebook followers, Linkedin connections, and any and all acquaintances and well wishers through mail, email, text, hashtag, Instagram, social media, etc. who have touched my life, heart and soul in the past several months, and have blessed my judicial race and campaign in one way or another!!
Your loving encouragements, thoughts, prayers, heartfelt support and contributions, have made this the most amazing journey of my life???
Please accept my heartfelt and sincere thanks for all that you have done to show me your love and support and for putting forth your best efforts in producing the most incredible campaign production, internet presence and physical and virtual social media presentation, anyone could ever hope to have?✌❤? .
We have made our mark in this campaign by striving for excellence in every field of endeavor from branding, marketing, high technology social media, canvassing, rallying, and most importantly globally connecting to hearts of tens of thousands of people who embraced my campaign’s message of hope and love for humanity.
The quality and quantity of the wide scope impact we have made on lives we have touched was beyond our wildest imaginations and was certainly blessed with divine assistance and confirmations. Every one of us stretched beyond what we knew as our individual capacities and found joy in working in harmony with others towards a common cause.
We never deviated from our highest standards of professionalism, ethics, mutual respect and the human nobility with which we aspire to adorn ourselves. I am proud to see that we have all enhanced our potentials for love and service to a noble cause and hope to continue to have your positive support and courageous force behind me as I embark upon the most worthy and noble cause of STANDING FOR JUSTICE! ⚖??⚖??⚖??⚖??⚖??
I just want you all to know that having exerted our utmost human energy and effort, we humbly proceed to submit to the Almighty’s Will and while beseeching God’s continuous favors and grace, we will leave it in His All Bounteous Hands to do with our campaign what he pleaseth.
We will pray and practice to have detachment from the outcome at the polls today, and will stand joyful and united through the end of our many journeys together. We must know and believe that any victory is the Lord’s to own, and we take joy only in knowing that we are blessed to be a small vehicle for delivery of his justice and equity to our fellow human beings. In this attitude, and in full submission to Lord’s will, I cherish the opportunity to have been together with you all and to have learned more than ever about sacrifice and service, while meeting God’s most amazing jens of his creation in this campaign trail.
Having known and worked with all of you is the most significant gift that I will ever hope to receive from this race, and your life long love and friendship is what I will treasure as the most valuable gift of this exciting race. Whether or not I have said it enough or in the appropriate manner or time, I am forever grateful for all of your dedication, love, loyalty and unwavering commitment to my cause, and for the talented and valuable services and tireless work and perseverance my new and old friends and contacts have showered on me throughout this campaign. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love every one of you my loyal supporters and well wishers ????❤??❤????